

CIQTEK is the manufacturer and global supplier of high-value scientific instruments, such as Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (Electron Spin Resonance) Spectroscopy, Scanning NV Probe Microscope, Gas Adsorption Analyzer, etc.
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The Science Behind Color Change in Lizards: Insights from CIQTEK Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
The Science Behind Color Change in Lizards: Insights from CIQTEK Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
In the fascinating world of nature, lizards are renowned for their remarkable ability to change colors. These vibrant hues not only captivate our attention but also play a crucial role in the survival and reproduction of lizards. But what scientific principles underlie these dazzling colors? This article, in conjunction with the CIQTEK Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) product, aims to explore the mechanism behind the color-changing ability of lizards.   Section 1: Lizard Coloration Mechanism   1.1 Categories based on formation mechanisms: Pigmented Colors and Structural Colors   In nature, animal colors can be divided into two categories based on their formation mechanisms: Pigmented Colors and Structural Colors.   Pigmented Colors are produced by changes in the concentration of pigments and the additive effect of different colors, similar to the principle of "primary colors."   Structural Colors, on the other hand, are generated by the reflection of light from finely structured physiological components, resulting in different wavelengths of reflected light. The underlying principle for structural colors is primarily based on optical principles.   1.2 Structure of Lizard Scales: Microscopic Insights from SEM Imaging   The following images (Figures 1-4) depict the characterization of iridophores in lizard skin cells using CIQTEK SEM5000Pro-Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope. Iridophores exhibit a structural arrangement similar to diffraction gratings, and we refer to these structures as crystalline plates. The crystalline plates can reflect and scatter light of different wavelengths.   Section 2: Environmental Influence on Color Change   2.1 Camouflage: Adapting to the Surroundings   Research has revealed that changes in the size, spacing, and angle of the crystalline plates in lizard iridophores can alter the wavelength of light scattered and reflected by their skin. This observation is of significant importance for studying the mechanisms behind color change in lizard skin.   2.2 High-Resolution Imaging: Characterizing lizard skin cells   Characterizing lizard skin cells using a Scanning Electron Microscope allows for a visual examination of the structural characteristics of crystalline plates in the skin, such as their size, length, and arrangement.     Figures1. ultrastructure of lizard skin/30 kV/STEM    Figures2.  ultrastructure of lizard skin/30 kV/STEM    Figures3.  ultrastructure of lizard skin/30 kV/STEM   Figures4.  ultrastructure of lizard skin/30 kV/STEM   Section 3: Advances in Lizard Coloration Research with CIQTEK Field Emission SEM   The "Automap" software developed by CIQTEK can be used to perform large-scale macro-structural characterization of lizard skin cells, with a maximum coverage of up to a centimeter scale. Thus, ...
Nature Sub-Publication! CIQTEK EPR Spectroscopy Assists Research on Nano-Spin Sensors
Nature Sub-Publication! CIQTEK EPR Spectroscopy Assists Research on Nano-Spin Sensors
The electron spin sensor has high sensitivity and can be widely used to detect various physical and chemical properties, such as electric field, magnetic field, molecular or protein dynamics, nuclei or other particles, etc. These unique advantages and potential applications make spin-based sensors a hot research direction. Sc3C2@C80, with its highly stable electron spin protected by a carbon cage, is suitable for gas adsorption detection inside porous materials. Py-COF is a recently emerged porous organic framework material with unique adsorption properties. It is synthesized using self-condensation building blocks with formyl and amino groups, and its theoretical pore size is 1.38 nm. Therefore, a metallofullerene Sc3C2@C80 unit (with a size of approximately 0.8 nm) can enter a nanoscale pore of Py-COF.   Researcher Wang from the Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, has developed a nano spin sensor based on metallofullerene for detecting gas adsorption inside porous organic frameworks. Paramagnetic metallofullerene, Sc3C2@C80, is embedded in nanoscale pores of a pyrene-based covalent organic framework (Py-COF). The EPR Spectroscopy (CIQTEK EPR200-Plus) is used to record the EPR signals of the embedded Sc3C2@C80 spin probe for N2, CO, CH4, CO2, C3H6, and C3H8 adsorbed within Py-COF. The study reveals that the EPR signals of embedded Sc3C2@C80 exhibit a regular dependence on the gas adsorption performance of Py-COF. The research findings are published in Nature Communications under the title "Embedded nano spin sensor for in situ probing of gas adsorption inside porous organic frameworks. "   Using Sc3C2@C80 as a molecular spin probe to investigate the gas adsorption performance of PyOF   In the study, the authors used a paramagnetic metallofullerene, Sc3C2@C80 (size approximately 0.8 nm), as a spin probe embedded in a pyrene-based covalent organic framework (Py-COF) nanocage to detect gas adsorption in Py-COF. The adsorption performance of N2, CO, CH4, CO2, C3H6, and C3H8 gases in Py-COF was investigated by monitoring the embedded Sc3C2@C80 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) signal. The study demonstrated that the EPR signal of Sc3C2@C80 was systematically related to the gas adsorption performance of Py-COF. Additionally, unlike traditional adsorption isotherm measurements, this implantable nanoscale spin sensor enabled real-time gas adsorption and desorption monitoring. The proposed nanoscale spin sensor was also utilized to investigate the gas adsorption performance of a metal-organic framework (MOF-177), showcasing its multifunctionality.     Relationship Between Gas Adsorption Performance and EPR Signal   The effect of gas pressure on EPR signals   Analysis of EPR Signal LineWidth   Using the molecular spin method of Sc3C2@C80 to investigate the gas adsorption process in MOF-177  ...
Application Cases |  Application of EPR in Photocatalytic Material Research
Application Cases | Application of EPR in Photocatalytic Material Research
Research Publications Applied Catalysis B: Environmental: S2-doping inducing self-adapting dual anion defects in ZnSn(OH)6 for highly efficient photoactivity. Application of CIQTEK EPR200-Plus Series AFM: Simultaneous CO2 and H2O Activation via Integrated Cu Single Atom and N Vacancy Dual-Site for Enhanced CO Photo-Production. Application of CIQTEK EPR200-Plus Series   Background   In the past century, with the massive growth of population and the continuous expansion of industrial scale, large amounts of traditional fossil energy such as oil, coal, and natural gas have been burned, resulting in problems such as resource shortages and environmental pollution. How to solve these problems has always been the direction of research. With the introduction of policies such as "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality", limited resources can no longer meet people's growing development needs, and it is of great significance to seek a sustainable solution. Scientists have focused on many sustainable energy sources. Among clean energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, geothermal energy and tidal energy, solar energy stands out due to its clean, renewable and huge energy. How to make full use of solar energy and in Solving energy shortages and reducing pollution emissions while applying it to the degradation of pollutants has become a research direction that researchers are committed to. At present, photocatalytic materials are roughly divided into two categories: inorganic semiconductor photocatalysts and organic semiconductor photocatalysts. Inorganic semiconductor photocatalysts mainly include: metal oxides, metal nitrides, and metal sulfides; organic semiconductor photocatalysts include: g-C3N4, linear covalent polymers, covalent porous polymers, covalent organic frameworks, and covalent triazines Organic framework. Based on the principle of photocatalysis, photocatalytic semiconductors are used in photocatalytic water splitting, photocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction, photocatalytic degradation of pollutants, photocatalytic organic synthesis, and photocatalytic production of ammonia. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technology is currently the only method that can directly, in-situ, and non-destructively detect unpaired electrons. EPR technology can directly detect vacancies (oxygen vacancies, nitrogen vacancies, sulfur vacancies, etc.) and doped electrons in photocatalytic materials. The valence state of heterotransition metals. In addition, EPR technology can also detect free radicals such as e-, h+, •OH, O2•-, 1O2, SO3•- generated on the surface of the photocatalyst.   EPR Technology Test Examples   CN (Cu1/N2CV-CN) photocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction (1) EPR technology directly detects transition metal copper and N2C vacancies in the photocatalytic material CN; (2)EPR technology supports the analysis results of XAFS. The EPR spectrum shows thre...
Application Cases | Low Voltage, High Resolution! Application of SEM5000X in Molecular Sieve Research
Application Cases | Low Voltage, High Resolution! Application of SEM5000X in Molecular Sieve Research
Molecular sieves are artificially synthesized hydrated aluminosilicates or natural zeolites with molecular sieving properties. They have uniformly sized pores and well-arranged channels and cavities in their structure. Molecular sieves of different pore sizes can separate molecules of different sizes and shapes. They possess functions such as adsorption, catalysis, and ion exchange, which give them tremendous potential applications in various fields such as petrochemical engineering, environmental protection, biomedical, and energy.   In 1925, the molecular separation effect of zeolite was first reported, and zeolite acquired a new name — molecular sieve. However, the small pore size of zeolite molecular sieves limited their application range, so researchers turned their attention to the development of mesoporous materials with larger pore sizes. Mesoporous materials (a class of porous materials with pore sizes ranging from 2 to 50 nm) have extremely high surface area, regularly ordered pore structures, and continuously adjustable pore sizes. Since their inception, mesoporous materials have become one of the interdisciplinary frontiers.   For molecular sieves, particle size and particle size distribution are important physical parameters that directly affect product process performance and utility, particularly in catalyst research. The crystal grain size, pore structure, and preparation conditions of molecular sieves have significant effects on catalyst performance. Therefore, exploring changes in molecular sieve crystal morphology, precise control of their shape, and regulating and enhancing catalytic performance are of great significance and have always been important aspects of molecular sieve research. Scanning electron microscopy provides important microscopic information for studying the structure-performance relationship of molecular sieves, aiding in guiding the synthesis optimization and performance control of molecular sieves.   ZSM-5 molecular sieve has an MFI structure. The product selectivity, reactivity and stability of MFI-type molecular sieve catalysts with different crystal morphologies may vary depending on the morphology.   Figure 1(a) MFI skeleton topology   The following are images of ZSM-5 molecular sieve captured using the CIQTEK High-Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope SEM5000X.   Figure 1(b) ZSM-5 molecular sieve/500V/Inlens SBA-15 is a common silicon-based mesoporous material with a two-dimensional hexagonal pore structure, with pore sizes typically ranging from 3 to 10 nm. Most mesoporous materials are non-conductive, and the commonly used pre-treatment method of coating (with Pt or Au) may block the nanoscale pores, affecting the characterization of their microstructure.   Therefore, such samples are usually not subjected to any coating pre-treatment, which requires the scanning electron microscope to have ultra-high resolution imaging capability even at extr...
Application Cases | Use EPR Technology to Scientifically Evaluate the Quality of Edible Oil
Application Cases | Use EPR Technology to Scientifically Evaluate the Quality of Edible Oil
From rich peanut oil to fragrant olive oil, various types of edible vegetable oils not only enrich people's food culture, but also meet diversified nutritional needs. With the improvement of the national economy and residents' living standards, the consumption of edible vegetable oils continues to grow, and it is particularly important to ensure its quality and safety.   1. Use EPR Technology to Scientifically Evaluate the Quality of Edible Oil Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technology, with its unique advantages (no pretreatment required, in-situ non-destructive, direct sensitivity), plays an important role in edible oil quality monitoring.   As a highly sensitive detection method, EPR can deeply explore the unpaired electron changes in the molecular structure of edible oils. These changes are often microscopic signs of the early stages of oil oxidation. The essence of oil oxidation is a free radical chain reaction. The free radicals in the oxidation process are mainly ROO·, RO· and R·.   By identifying oxidation products such as free radicals, EPR technology can scientifically evaluate the degree of oxidation and stability of edible oils before they show obvious sensory changes. This is essential to promptly detect and prevent grease deterioration caused by improper storage conditions such as light, heat, oxygen exposure or metal catalysis. Considering that unsaturated fatty acids are easily oxidized, edible oils face the risk of rapid oxidation even under normal temperature conditions, which not only affects their flavor and nutritional value, but also shortens the shelf life of the product.   Therefore, the use of EPR technology to scientifically evaluate the oxidation stability of oils can not only provide consumers with safer and fresher edible oil products, but also effectively guide the rational use of antioxidants, ensure the quality control of oil-containing foods, and extend the shelf life of market supply. . In summary, the application of electron paramagnetic resonance technology in the field of edible oil quality monitoring is not only a vivid manifestation of scientific and technological progress serving the people, but also an important line of defense for maintaining food safety and protecting public health.   2. Application cases of EPR in oil monitoring Principle: A variety of free radicals will be generated during lipid oxidation. The generated free radicals are more active and have shorter lifespans. Therefore, the spin capture method is often used for detection (the spin capture agent reacts with the active free radicals to form a more stable Free radical adducts, PBN is generally used as a spin trap).   (1) Evaluate the oxidation stability of oil (the influence of external factors such as temperature on the oxidation stability of oil can be observed)   The antioxidant capacity of a product can be determined by measuring the concentration of free r...

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