Discover the CIQTEK SEM3200 SEM Microscopy at Loughborough University, UK
Discover the CIQTEK SEM3200 SEM Microscopy at Loughborough University, UK
July 08, 2024
The Loughborough University demo lab was exciting as we showcased the cutting-edge CIQTEK Scanning Electron Microscope SEM3200, a revolutionary SEM machine for the UK market. SciMed, the UK distributor of CIQTEK SEM microscopes, has teamed up with the renowned Loughborough Materials Characterization Center (LMCC) and is proud to introduce a new range of SEM microscopes backed by the world-leading technical team.
Loughborough University, UK
As one of the UK's top ten, internationally recognized universities, Loughborough University has a rich academic heritage and a commitment to the advancement of science, and the LMCC is a highly acclaimed, state-of-the-art materials analysis facility, and this demonstration lab provides the perfect environment to showcase the SEM3200 and its outstanding capabilities.
CIQTEK SEM3200 at LMCC Demo Lab, Loughborough University, UK
The journey began by collating images from various research groups affiliated with Loughborough University. Close collaboration with these research groups has enabled us to collect a diverse range of imaging samples. From micropatterned substrates produced through photolithography to the intricate surface of a microelectrode array, researchers have captured the essence of materials under SEM microscopy. Furthermore, they have recently obtained a range of materials used in hydrogen energy cell technologies, expanding the possibilities of our imaging capabilities.
Researchers at Loughborough University, UK, sampled with CIQTEK SEM3200
Feedback from researchers testing and using the SEM3200 has been very positive. They generally praised the user-friendly software interface and the intuitive control within minutes of use. A standout feature is the microcentric 5-axis stage, which ensures flawless focus and image position even when the tilt angle changes significantly. Users are impressed by the SEM3200's modern design, which produces high-quality images with ease and comfort.
Researchers at Loughborough University, UK, sampled with CIQTEK SEM3200
The arrival of SEM3200 was a celebration for Loughborough University staff and students. Now researchers, scientists, and students at Loughborough University can use this world-class microscope to make groundbreaking discoveries and produce outstanding research results.
Step into the future of microscopy with the SEM3200. Experience the power of cutting-edge technology, supported by the top-tier infrastructure of Loughborough University's LMCC. Join us at the demo lab and witness firsthand the incredible potential of the SEM3200.
Together, let's explore new frontiers and unlock a world of microscopic wonders.
High-speed Fully Automated Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Workstation CIQTEK HEM6000 facilities technologies such as the high-brightness large-beam current electron gun, high-speed electron beam deflection system, high-voltage sample stage deceleration, dynamic optical axis, and immersion electromagnetic & electrostatic combo objective lens to achieve high-speed image acquisition whilst ensuring nano-scale resolution. The automated operation process is designed for applications such as a more efficient and smarter large-area high-resolution imaging workflow. Its imaging speed is over five times faster than that of a conventional field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM).
High-performance and Universal Tungsten Filament SEM Microscope The CIQTEK SEM3200 SEM Microscope is an excellent general-purpose Tungsten Filament Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with outstanding overall capabilities. Its unique Dual-anode electron gun structure ensures high resolution and improves image signal-to-noise ratio at low excitation voltages. Furthermore, it offers a wide range of optional accessories, making the SEM3200 a versatile analytical instrument with excellent expendabilities.
Ultra High-Resolution Tungsten Filament Scanning Electron Microscope The CIQTEK SEM3300 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) incorporates technologies such as "Super-Tunnel" electron optics, inlens electron detectors, and electrostatic & electromagnetic compound objective lens. By applying these technologies to the tungsten filament microscope, the long-standing resolution limit of such SEM is surpassed, enabling the tungsten filament SEM to perform low-voltage analysis tasks previously only achievable with field emission SEMs.
120kV Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) 1. Divided Workspaces: Users operate TEM in a divided room with comfort reducing environmental interference to TEM. 2. High Operational Efficiency: Designated software integrates highly automated processes, allowing efficient TEM interaction with real-time monitoring. 3. Upgraded Operational Experience: Equipped with a field emission electron gun with a highly automated system. 4. High Expandability: There are sufficient interfaces reserved for users to upgrade to a higher configuration, which meets diverse application requirements.