CIQTEK SEM3200 Installed Successfully in the University of Monterrey, Mexico
CIQTEK SEM3200 Installed Successfully in the University of Monterrey, Mexico
August 20, 2024
CIQTEK has announced the successful installation of the SEM3200, a high-performance tungsten filament scanning electron microscope, at the prestigious Monterrey University laboratory. This advanced imaging system is set to revolutionize research in the field of characterize analysis and contribute to breakthroughs in various scientific fields.
Monterrey University, Mexico
Expressing excitement about the newly installed SEM3200, the Principal Investigator of the University of Monterrey laboratory said, "This cutting-edge scanning electron microscope will greatly enhance our research capabilities. The high-resolution imaging and analytical capabilities of the SEM3200 will allow us to gain invaluable insights into microscopic imaging and analysis. We anticipate that this instrument will play a key role in advancing discoveries in our field."
CIQTEK SEM Engineers Installed and Tested SEM3200 at Monterrey University
High-performance and Universal Tungsten Filament SEM Microscope The CIQTEK SEM3200 SEM Microscope is an excellent general-purpose Tungsten Filament Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with outstanding overall capabilities. Its unique Dual-anode electron gun structure ensures high resolution and improves image signal-to-noise ratio at low excitation voltages. Furthermore, it offers a wide range of optional accessories, making the SEM3200 a versatile analytical instrument with excellent expendabilities.
Ultra High-Resolution Tungsten Filament Scanning Electron Microscope The CIQTEK SEM3300 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) incorporates technologies such as "Super-Tunnel" electron optics, inlens electron detectors, and electrostatic & electromagnetic compound objective lens. By applying these technologies to the tungsten filament microscope, the long-standing resolution limit of such SEM is surpassed, enabling the tungsten filament SEM to perform low-voltage analysis tasks previously only achievable with field emission SEMs.
120kV Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) 1. Divided Workspaces: Users operate TEM in a divided room with comfort reducing environmental interference to TEM. 2. High Operational Efficiency: Designated software integrates highly automated processes, allowing efficient TEM interaction with real-time monitoring. 3. Upgraded Operational Experience: Equipped with a field emission electron gun with a highly automated system. 4. High Expandability: There are sufficient interfaces reserved for users to upgrade to a higher configuration, which meets diverse application requirements.