INTERMAG 2023 is jointly sponsored by the IEEE Magnetics Society and the Magnetics Society of Japan.
INTERMAG is the premier international conference on all aspects of fundamental and applied magnetism. Members of the scientific and engineering communities are invited to attend and contribute to the technical sessions. The technical program will consist of oral and poster presentations, invited talks and symposia, tutorial sessions, and exhibits.
Meet Us at the Booth #19
CIQTEK will be hosted by our partner LAS at Booth: #19 Come to meet us to learn more about the Scanning NV Microscope (SNVM). See you at the "City of Green", Sendai, Japan!
>> Check the CIQTEK products on the LAS website:
CIQTEK QDAFM is a scanning NV center microscope based on diamond nitrogen-vacancy center (NV center) and AFM scanning magnetic imaging technology. The magnetic properties of the sample are obtained quantitatively and non-destructively by control and readout of the spin state in the diamond probe.
Based on the NV diamond magnetometry and mechanics, QDAFM has nanoscale spatial resolution and ultra-high detection sensitivity and can be used to develop and study magnetic textures, high-density magnetic storage, and spintronics.
* There are two versions: the ambient version and the cryogenic version.
Nanomagnetic Imaging Microscope The CIQTEK Scanning Nitrogen-vacancy Microscope (SNVM) is an advanced scientific analytical instrument that combines optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers with the scanning probe technique. This combination can be applied to the research of spintronics, multiferroic, 2D magnetic material, superconductors, etc. * There are two versions: the ambient version and the cryogenic version.