w band epr spectroscopy

W-Band High-frequency EPR Spectrometer | EPR-W900

W-band (94 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy


High-frequency EPR technology offers numerous advantages, such as high g-value resolution and minimal sample volume. It is also highly applicable in biology, chemistry, and materials science.

CIQTEK EPR-W900 supports both continuous-wave and pulsed EPR measurement and enables variable temperature experiments from 4 to 300 K. It is equipped with a split-pair superconducting magnet, with a maximum magnetic field of up to 6 T. The superconducting magnet, combined with a cryogen‐free cryostat system, stabilizes the temperature in the superconducting region without consuming liquid helium, ensuring stable operation and easy maintenance.

The software platform is the same as the CIQTEK X-band pulsed spectrometer, making it simple and user-friendly.

  • # High Resolution
    The g-value resolution is dependent on the microwave frequency. W-band EPR offers higher g-value resolution, which is beneficial for analyzing anisotropic samples. For disordered samples such as membrane proteins that are challenging to crystallize, W-band EPR provides enhanced orientation selectivity.
  • # High Sensitivity
    With the same sample volume, a high cavity-filling factor improves the detection of low-quantity samples. At the same g-value, a higher resonant magnetic field facilitates better spin polarization, resulting in higher sensitivity in low-temperature experiments.
  • # High Frequency and High Field
    Ideal for studying fast kinetic processes and for detecting samples with strong zero-field splitting. Enhances electron-nuclear double resonance experiments by improving the detection and resolution of nuclei with low gyromagnetic ratios.
  • # Cryogen-free Superconducting Magnet
    The split-pair superconducting magnet is specifically designed for high-frequency EPR. It employs a cryogen-free system to maintain superconducting temperatures without consuming liquid helium, ensuring stable operation and easy maintenance.
  • EPR Applications in Chemistry
    EPR in Chemistry
    Explore reaction mechanisms in organic, electrochemical, and coordination chemistry, monitor free radical intermediates, and support drug discovery, and structural analysis of coordination compounds, and organic syntheses.
  • EPR in Life Sciences
    EPR in Life Sciences
    Advanced oxidation processes, photocatalysis, air pollution monitoring, wastewater treatment, soil remediation, heavy metal pollution tracking, environmental persistent free radicals (EPFR), etc.
  • EPR in Materials Science
    EPR in Materials Science
    Crystal defects, magnetic materials, semiconductors, battery materials, optical fiber defects, polymer materials, etc.
  • EPR in Food Science
    EPR in Food Science
    Food irradiation detection and identification, beer flavor shelf life, edible oil rancidity detection, etc.
  • Applications of EPR in Biomedicine
    EPR in Biomedicine
    Characterization of antioxidant activity, characterization of metalloenzymes, spin labeling of biomacromolecules, etc.
  • Application of EPR in medical research
    EPR in Medical Research
    Occupational disease protection research, nuclear radiation emergency medical treatment, alanine dosimetry, cancer radiotherapy irradiation research, etc.
  • Applications of EPR in Industry
    EPR in Industry
    Coating aging research, diamond defect identification, tobacco filter efficiency, petrochemical quality control, residual inhibitor detection, cosmetic free radical protection factor, etc.
  • EPR in Geoarchaeology
    EPR in Geoarchaeology
    Quaternary dating (ranging from thousands to millions of years) is achieved through EPR analysis of fossils, rocks, corals, quartz, and soils.
  • EPR in Biological Structure Analysis
    EPR in Biological Structure Analysis
    Electron-electron double resonance is vital for determining biomolecular structures. Spin-labeling proteins, RNA, etc., and using EPR to measure their interactions yields non-destructive distance data (1.7–8 nm) between labels.


W-band Continuous-wave EPR Experiment

W-band EPR analysis results with higher g-factor resolution

  • W-band EPR experimental results with higher g-factor resolution
  • W-band EPR experimental results with higher g-factor resolution

W-band Pulsed EPR Experiment

  • EDNMR spectra of LiF single-crystal
    EDNMR spectra of LiF single-crystal
  • ENDOR spectra of LiF single-crystal
    ENDOR spectra of LiF single-crystal
  • Transient EPR spectra of pentaphenyl crystal
    Transient EPR spectra of pentaphenyl crystal

Liquid Nitrogen / Liquid Helium Variable Temperature Cryostat

Low-temperature experiments are supported, with a range of temperature control:
From 4.4 K (negative pressure) to 300 K (using liquid helium as the cryogen)
From 80 K to 300 K (using liquid nitrogen as the cryogen)

  • Liquid Nitrogen / Liquid Helium Variable Temperature Cryostat

W-band Electron Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR) Probe

Combined with the ENDOR probe and the RF amplifier, it supports pulsed ENDOR experiments.

  • W-band Electron Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR) Probe

W-band Time-Resolved EPR System

Combined with a pulsed laser, it supports time-resolved EPR experiments.

  • W-band Time-Resolved EPR System

Arbitrary Waveform Generator

When integrated with an arbitrary waveform generator, it enables the output of microwave pulses with any desired waveform. The pulse amplitude, phase, frequency, and envelope can be modified for flexible, customizable complex pulse EPR experiments.

  • Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Artificial Intelligence (AI) + EPR System

AI EPR spectral analysis, applicable to 90% of samples

  • AI EPR spectral analysis
  • AI EPR spectral analysis


Automatic linking of literature databases

  • Automatic linking of literature databases


Pulse Signal Acquisition Modes Transient acquisition, single-point acquisition, and integration testing
Number of Pulse Channels 12 channels (+X, -X, +Y, -Y; 4 control channels; 4 expansion channels), supporting phase cycling
Pulse Time Resolution 0.05 ns
Number of Pulses 20,000 per channel, with support for unlimited loop playback
Solid-State Power Amplifier Output Power 2 W
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Discover customer insights on CIQTEK EPR Spectroscopy and learn more about our strengths and achievements as a leading innovator in the EPR industry! >> 200+ EPR Units Delivered Globally; 100+ Research Publications     CIQTEK EPR empowers you to reach new academic heights! Contact us for your custom solution: info@ciqtek.com

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