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CIQTEK SEM Microscopes Customer Stories

Read the CIQTEK SEM Microscopes customer insights and learn more about CIQTEK's strengths and achievements as the SEM industry leader!




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Ga+ Focused Ion Beam Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope   The CIQTEK DB550 Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) has a focused ion beam column for nano-analysis and specimen preparation. It utilizes “super tunnel” electron optics technology, low aberration, and non-magnetic objective design, and has the “low voltage, high resolution” feature to ensure its nanoscale analytical capabilities.   The ion columns facilitate a Ga+ liquid metal ion source with highly stable and high-quality ion beams to ensure nanofabrication capabilities. The DB550 is an all-in-one nano-analysis and fabrication workstation with an integrated nano-manipulator, gas injection system, and user-friendly GUI software.

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High-speed Fully Automated Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Workstation   CIQTEK HEM6000 facilities technologies such as the high-brightness large-beam current electron gun, high-speed electron beam deflection system, high-voltage sample stage deceleration, dynamic optical axis, and immersion electromagnetic & electrostatic combo objective lens to achieve high-speed image acquisition whilst ensuring nano-scale resolution. The automated operation process is designed for applications such as a more efficient and smarter large-area high-resolution imaging workflow. Its imaging speed is over five times faster than that of a conventional field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM).

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Ultra-high Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM)   The CIQTEK SEM5000X is an ultra-high resolution FESEM with optimized electron optics column design, reducing overall aberrations by 30%, achieving ultra-high resolution of 0.6 nm@15 kV and 1.0 nm@1 kV. Its high resolution and stability make it advantageous in advanced nano-structural materials research, as well as the development and manufacturing of high-technology node semiconductor IC chips.

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High Resolution under Low Excitation   The CIQTEK SEM5000Pro is a Schottky field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) specialized at high resolution even under low excitation voltage. Employing an advanced "Super-Tunnel" electron optics technology facilitates a crossover-free beam path together with an electrostatic-electromagnetic compound lens design. These advancements reduce spatial charging effect, minimize lens aberrations, enhance imaging resolution at low voltage, and achieve a resolution of 1.2 nm at 1 kV, which allows for direct observation of non-conductive or semi-conductive samples, effectively reducing sample irradiation damage.

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Analytical Schottky Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM)   CIQTEK SEM4000Pro is an analytical FE-SEM model equipped with a high-brightness and long-life Schottky field emission electron gun. Its three-stage electromagnetic lens design offers significant advantages in analytical applications such as EDS / EDX, EBSD, WDS, and more. The model comes standard with a low-vacuum mode and high-performance low-vacuum secondary electron detector, as well as a retractable backscattered electron detector, which benefits the observation of poorly conductive or non-conductive specimens.  

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scanning electron microscope machine

High-performance and Universal Tungsten Filament SEM Microscope   The CIQTEK SEM3200 SEM Microscope is an excellent general-purpose Tungsten Filament Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with outstanding overall capabilities. Its unique Dual-anode electron gun structure ensures high resolution and improves image signal-to-noise ratio at low excitation voltages. Furthermore, it offers a wide range of optional accessories, making the SEM3200 a versatile analytical instrument with excellent expendabilities.

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