Our Korean customers successfully installed the FESEM SEM5000 at the Ulsan Campus. It's widely regarded as one of today's most advanced SEMs. (Video included)
SciMed answers frequently asked questions about the CIQTEK SEM3200, covering sample preparation, imaging modalities, data analysis, and applications in different fields. (Video included)
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Columns The CIQTEK DB550 Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) has a focused ion beam column for nano-analysis and specimen preparation. It utilizes “super tunnel” electron optics technology, low aberration and non-magnetic objective design, and has the “low voltage, high resolution” feature to ensure its nanoscale analytical capabilities. The ion columns facilitate a Ga+ liquid metal ion source with highly stable and high quality ion beams to ensure nanofabrication capabilities. The DB550 is an all-in-one nano-analysis and fabrication workstation with an integrated nano-manipulator, gas injection system, and user-friendly GUI software.
High-speed Scanning Electron Microscope for Cross-scale Imaging of Large-volume Specimens CIQTEK HEM6000 facilities technologies such as the high-brightness large-beam current electron gun, high-speed electron beam deflection system, high-voltage sample stage deceleration, dynamic optical axis, and immersion electromagnetic & electrostatic combo objective lens to achieve high-speed image acquisition whilst ensuring nano-scale resolution. The automated operation process is designed for applications such as a more efficient and smarter large-area high-resolution imaging workflow. The imaging speed can reach over 5 times faster than a conventional field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM).
Ultra-high Resolution Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) Challenges the Limits The CIQTEK SEM5000X is an ultra-high resolution FESEM with optimized electron optics column design, reducing overall aberrations by 30%, achieving ultra-high resolution of 0.6 nm@15 kV and 1.0 nm@1 kV. Its high resolution and stability make it advantageous in advanced nano-structural materials research, as well as the development and manufacturing of high-technology node semiconductor IC chips.
High Resolution under Low Excitation The CIQTEK SEM5000Pro is a Schottky field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) specialized at high resolution even under low excitation voltage. Employing an advanced "Super-Tunnel" electron optics technology facilitates a crossover-free beam path together with an electrostatic-electromagnetic compound lens design. These advancements reduce spatial charging effect, minimize lens aberrations, enhance imaging resolution at low voltage, and achieve a resolution of 1.2 nm at 1 kV, which allows for direct observation of non-conductive or semi-conductive samples, effectively reducing sample irradiation damage.
Analytical Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) with Large Beam I CIQTEK SEM4000Pro is an analytical model of FE-SEM, equipped with a high-brightness and long-life Schottky field emission electron gun. The 3-stage electromagnetic lens design offers significant advantages in analytical applications such as EDS / EDX, EBSD, WDS, and more. It comes standard with a low vacuum mode and high-performance low vacuum secondary electron detector, as well as a retractable backscattered electron detector, which benefits the observation of poorly conductive or non-conductive specimens.
High-performance and Universal Tungsten Filament SEM Microscope The CIQTEK SEM3200 SEM Microscope is an excellent general-purpose Tungsten Filament Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with outstanding overall capabilities. Its unique Dual-anode electron gun structure ensures high resolution and improves image signal-to-noise ratio at low excitation voltages. Furthermore, it offers a wide range of optional accessories, making the SEM3200 a versatile analytical instrument with excellent expendabilities.